Questions I ask google every month

So every single month that we try for a baby I seem to google the same questions over and over again. These are my actual google history questions and the basic jist of what I have found.

What is the earliest you can take a pregnancy test and get a positive? -Basically don’t test until you have missed your period. After wasting tons of money peeing on sticks I have deducted a few things. First, the 88 cent pregnancy test work just as well as the expensive ones so if you test early, use those. If you get a positive test on the cheap ones then it is ok to pee on the expensive ones for confirmation. If you seriously don’t trust the cheap tests then don’t test anytime before your missed period. It isn’t worth the heartache of another negative that may actually be a positive or the approximately $7 that you would spend on the test.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy.  – I google this a lot because when you are trying to get pregnant you become really in touch with your body and think every little change is pregnancy. Unfortunately, the signs and symptoms are about the same as PMS symptoms which sucks. Bloating, extra sensitivity in breasts, nausea, fatigue, increased urination.

How many days should you have sex when trying to get pregnant? – Everything that I have read suggests that you should have sex every other day during your ovulation window.

When do you ovulate? – You ovulate around day 14 of your cycle. Everyone is different so you could ovulate around day 12 like I do or day 18. Ovulation test help you to pin point prime baby making time. If you use the ovuation tests and you do not ovulate there may be something else going on like a thyroid issue or low progesterone.

How long does a  sperm live? – They can live up to 5 days depending on the acidity of the vagina but really it is more likely to be around 2 days.

What is the best position to conceive? – Literally any of them.

I hope that this is helpful.



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